HomePartsGround Engaging Tools

Ground Engaging Tools

CAT ground engaging tools are made with harder material that provides longer wear life, reducing premature failure and decreasing owning/operating costs.  All flat stock is drilled and tapped, providing a safe way to handle edges and end bits during disassembly and assembly. 

Free lifetime replacement if breakage occurs during normal operation.

Milton CAT has an extensive selection of CAT ground engaging tools in stock, including: 

  • Bucket Teeth: Built to break up and dig into hard material for digging, excavating, and trenching.
  • Cutting Edges: Sharp edge tools for loader buckets, providing a smooth surface for scooping, grading, and pushing loose material.
  • Ripper Teeth & Shanks: Designed to penetrate hard ground and frozen soil. And we know what that's like here in the Northeast.
  • Track Shoes: Needed for traction and stability, enabling machines to move across different types of terrain.
  • Bucket Side Cutters: These are used to increase width and capacity, while protecting bucket sides and expanding digging and loader capabilities.
  • Adapters: Essential for connecting bucket teeth to the buckets, ensuring the teeth fit securely for better performance.


Wheel Loader Bucket Rebuilds Application Guide

Ground Engaging Tool Guide for Wheel Loaders

CAT Ground Engaging Tools Complete Product Guide

Wheel Loader Cutting Edge Product Brochure - 950 to 982 Sized Machines

Wheel Loader Cutting Edge Application Guide - 950 to 982 Sized Machines




How to Choose the Right Ground Engaging Tools

To maximize the benefit of selecting and using quality tools for your business, it is important to talk to a qualified Milton CAT representative about:
  • Understanding the Application: The nature of the task – be it digging, grading, or ripping – will dictate the type of tools you need to get the job done.
  •  Work Conditions: The type of soil, the presence of abrasive materials, and weather conditions can influence the choice of tools.
  •  Machinery Compatibility: Always ensure that the chosen ground engaging tools are compatible with the intended machinery.
  • Total Cost of Operation (TCO): While it might be tempting to opt for less expensive alternatives, it is highly recommended to consider all factors such as downtime and availability of parts when selecting ground engaging tools.

Need More Information or Want to Make a Purchase of Ground Engaging Tools?   Use any three of the methods described below to contact Milton CAT today: 
  • Visit the Parts or Service Departments at any Milton CAT Location
  • E-mail insidesales@miltoncat.com
  • Call 888-702-0073 to speak with a Parts Representative

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